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We all get concerned about the security of any information gathered when you look to buy off a website, so I thought I'd state out loud how I handle it here.​
What details will you need to supply? For my purposes, just a name, delivery address and email address.
Can you be sure any credit card or bank account details are not held on this site?
Your purchase details are encrypted through the 3rd party suppliers being either your bank or if a credit card, via "Stripe" at the "cart" page. They are NOT held by me or this site.
I don't use Paypal as they take forever to come up with the $$
Commissions are not returnable given they are specifically designed & made for the person commissioning the work.
Pieces purchased through the website are fully refundable should the item contain a manufacturing fault. Claims need to be made within 7 days of receipt and returned in otherwise good order and condition.
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